Kelly Cobeen, Structural Engineer
Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 7:00 pm
Immanuel Lutheran Church: 1420 Lafayette Street Alameda, CA
(Parking available at the corner of Chestnut St. and Santa Clara Ave.)
Free for AAPS members; $5 for non-members
This presentation will introduce earthquake vulnerabilities and methods to mitigate them, and include additional considerations for historic homes, such as: discussion on how to anchor your home to your foundation, bracing interior and exterior features and structures (cripple walls, water heaters, tall and heavy furnishings, and fireplace surrounds, and walls within occupied stories), and retrofit of masonry chimneys.

Home damaged by partially falling off cripple walls in 2014 South Napa Earthquake.
Author Kelly Cobeen is an Associate Principal with Wiss Janney Elstner Associates in their San Francisco office, and is a registered Civil and Structural Engineer. Her work experience includes a wide range of project types, sizes and construction materials, with a special interest in seismic resistance of light-frame construction. She has been involved in numerous code development, research and educational activities, including in development of methodologies for assessment and retrofit of wood light-frame homes. Kelly is coauthor of the Design of Wood Structures textbook.